Range Rover L322 EAS ABS RESET tool V3. Air Suspension ABS fault READ RESET CLEAR activate.
Works on all L322 Range Rovers produced between 2002 and 2005. Just Plug it in, wait til the LED is solid RED and you're ready to go. Reads, clears, and displays EAS / ABS faults on the speedometer. Please note that if the fault reappears, your car is going to need more attention as there could be a mechanical problem. Video of the tool in action - HERE!!
The tool will tell you the number of Faults both the EAS and ABS systems have and will clear the faults automatically. It will also read, clear and display all faults in both EAS and ABS systems on the speedometer. It is extremely helpful in helping you diagnose the issue. It will keep displaying the faults until its plugged off and the ignition key is switched to position 0. It won't store the faults, so please make sure you have them pictured or written down. Please check the video and pictures below. This is a must have tool for every Range Rover L322 owner.You can just keep it in the glove box until the next time you get a fault. Will save you lot of trips to the local dealer just for clearing faults. You don't need any instruction manuals to use it.
Plug it in, follow the instructions on the instruments panel and remove the tool when its done. The whole procedure takes less than a minute. Please keep in mind that we don't take any responsibility in regards to how and what you use the tool for. I know how annoying these EAS faults are so..
If you order it by 3 P. M I'll do my best to dispatch it the same day! I'll do my best to help you!